Mekal Z

Mekal Z

A programmer running out of the wall.

部落與聯盟的愛情-1. 受傷的牛仔

每天連載一則 #靈瓜背單詞 生成的小故事,跟我一起來讀故事背單詞、學英語吧#

本故事基於《王冬梅雅思詞彙過目不忘》詞書生成(共計 2049 個雅思核心詞彙),每則故事 10 個左右生詞 + 複習之前的背過的詞


Foo was a tribal cowboy who lived in a mountainous region. He was a trailblazer, always cultivating new ideas and enterprising ways to fatten his livestock. One day, he was badly wounded in a battle with the Alliance. He was left to die, but he managed to crawl to a nearby cave where he found refuge. Foo was deluded and thought he would never survive.


Foo 是一個居住在山區的部落牛仔。他是個開拓先鋒,時常想出新主意和有創意的方法來餵養他的牲畜。某一天,他在與聯盟的戰鬥中受了重傷。他被遺棄在原地等死,但他設法爬到附近的山洞裡尋求庇護。Foo 迷失了自我,認為自己無法生存下來。


  1. tribal (adj.) - 部落的,部族的
  2. mountainous (adj.) - 多山的,山區的
  3. trailblazer (n.) - 先驅,開拓者
  4. fatten (v.) - 餵養肥胖,使長肥
  5. livestock (n.) - 家畜,牲畜
  6. wounded (adj.) - 受傷的,負傷的
  7. battle (n.) - 戰鬥,戰役
  8. crawl (v.) - 爬行,匍匐前進
  9. refuge (n.) - 避難所,庇護所
  10. deluded (adj.) - 迷惑的,欺騙的


He was left to die, but he managed to crawl to a nearby cave where he found refuge.

其中,主句是 "He managed to crawl to a nearby cave",它是一個複合句,由兩個從句構成:

  1. 從句 1:“He was left to die” 是一個被動語態的簡單句,用來說明 Foo 遭受到的困難和挫折。這個從句可以翻譯為 “他被拋在那裡等死”;
  2. 從句 2:“where he found refuge” 是一個介詞從句,用來說明 Foo 所爬到的山洞的位置和目的地。這個從句可以翻譯為 “他設法爬到附近的山洞裡尋求庇護”。