Mekal Z

Mekal Z

A programmer running out of the wall.

部落与联盟的爱情-2.The Alliance Girl

每天连载一则 #灵瓜背单词 生成的小故事,跟我一起来读故事背单词、学英语吧

本故事基于《王冬梅雅思词汇过目不忘》词书生成(共计 2049 个雅思核心词汇),每则故事 10 个左右生词 + 复习之前的背过的词


Jolin was a beautiful girl from the Alliance. She was a trailblazer in her own right, always seeking to emulate the best qualities of her people. One day, while trawling the seabed, she found Foo's denuded body in the cave. She brought him back to her village and nursed him back to health. Foo was amazed by her kindness and the nourishment she provided him. He shed his arbitrary beliefs and began to see the Alliance in a new light.


Jolin 是来自联盟的一位美丽女孩。她是个开创者,总是追求效仿她们民族最好的品质。一天,她在海底搜寻时在洞穴里发现了 Foo 的裸体身体。她把他带回她的村庄并护理他,把他养好。Foo 对她的善良和她给予他的营养感到惊讶。他放下了他的武断信仰,开始以全新的眼光看待联盟。


  1. trailblazer 指的是一个开创者或创新者;

  2. emulate 意思是效仿或学习;

  3. trawl 在这里指的是拖网捕鱼;

  4. denude 意为裸露或脱去;

  5. nourishment 意思是给予营养或滋养;

  6. shed beliefs 是指放下或摒弃信仰;

  7. see in a new light 表示以新的看法看待某事。


One day, while trawling the seabed, she found Foo's denuded body in the cave. 这是一个复合句,其中含有 while 引导的时间状语从句和 she the cave 作为主句。宾语是 Foo's denuded body,修饰宾语的是定语从句 in the cave。
