Mekal Z

Mekal Z

A programmer running out of the wall.

部落与联盟的爱情-3.The Unlikely Bond

每天连载一则 #灵瓜背单词 生成的小故事,跟我一起来读故事背单词、学英语吧 本故事基于《王冬梅雅思词汇过目不忘》词书生成(共计 2049 个雅思核心词汇),每则故事 10 个左右生词 + 复习之前的背过的词


As Foo recovered, he and Jolin formed an unlikely bond. Despite their different backgrounds, they found themselves compatible in many ways. Jolin helped rehabilitate Foo's body and mind, while Foo entertained her with his extroverted and spontaneous personality. One day, they met a parapsychologist who claimed to have telepathy. Foo was sceptical, but Jolin was compelled to try it. To their surprise, they found they could communicate with each other without speaking. This bout of telepathy brought them even closer together.


当 Foo 康复后,他和 Jolin 形成了一种不太可能的联结。尽管他们背景不同,但在很多方面他们发现彼此都很合得来。Jolin 帮助康复了 Foo 的身体和思想,而 Foo 以他外向和自发的个性来娱乐她。有一天,他们遇到了一个声称具有心灵感应的超心理学家。Foo 持怀疑态度,但 Jolin 却被这种想法吸引。让他们惊讶的是,他们发现他们可以在不说话的情况下沟通。这一次的心灵感应使他们更加紧密。


  1. rehabilitate: 此处意为 “使康复”,是一个动词。
  2. extroverted: 意为 “外向的”,是一个形容词,表达了 Foo 的性格特点。
  3. spontaneous: 意为 “自发的”,是一个形容词,表达了 Foo 的性格特点。
  4. parapsychologist: 意为 “超心理学家”,是一个名词,用于描述他们遇到的那个人。
  5. sceptical: 意为 “持怀疑态度的”,是一个形容词,用于形容 Foo 在听到超心理学家的话后的反应。
  6. telepathy: 意为 “心灵感应”,是一个名词,用于描述他们发现自己可以在不说话的情况下进行交流的奇妙现象。


Despite their different backgrounds, they found themselves compatible in many ways.(尽管两者背景不同,但他们发现自己在许多方面都很相容。)
这是一个复合句,主句是 “they found themselves compatible in many ways.”,其中 “they” 指代 Foo 和 Jolin。而从句是 “Despite their different backgrounds”,说明尽管两者背景不同,但是他们仍然发现了许多共同点。这个从句是一个状语从句,用于说明主句发生的背景。
