Mekal Z

Mekal Z

A programmer running out of the wall.

Reading Stories to Learn English - Forbidden Love - 3

As Foo recovered, Dolores shared with him the local folklore of her village. She told him about the massive statue of the begetter that stood in the center of the village, and how it was said to bring good luck to those who touched it. She also spoke of the identity of her people, and how they had been studied by ethnographers for generations. Foo listened intently, fascinated by the stories of her culture. One day, while they were exploring the nearby plantation, they became stranded on a parched island. They decided to try trawling for crustaceans to survive. Dolores showed Foo how to catch the triangular, amphibious creatures that lived in clusters. Suddenly, they saw what looked like a phantom beaver in the distance. Foo's heart raced as he realized that they were not alone.

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