Mekal Z

Mekal Z

A programmer running out of the wall.

Some thoughts and reflections on the effectiveness of "Linggua Vocabulary App"

I think "不背单词" can be considered a refreshing app for learning vocabulary. Its beautiful interface and illustrations give a very pleasant feeling. Compared to apps like "百词斩", it has a much better memory effect, and compared to "墨墨背单词", it has better interface interaction and is more enjoyable to use.

However, I classify these vocabulary learning apps as mechanical memorization. Memorizing vocabulary in these apps is very straightforward, and it's easy to see how many words you have memorized. It seems efficient because we have been through memorization since we were young. But in the long run, this mechanical memorization method is not the best. Many times, it only makes us feel diligent and relieves some of the anxiety of learning.

In addition to mastering the "input" aspect of vocabulary learning, such as reading and listening, it is more important to be able to proficiently use the learned words for "output," whether it be speaking or writing. Traditional mechanical memorization methods are more suitable for input, as they can stimulate the brain with a large number of words in a short period of time, resulting in short-term memory. However, due to the lack of context, when it comes to output, we find that we seem to have memorized those words in vain.

Another more natural method of learning and memorizing vocabulary is to practice reading and listening in a real context, just like a one or two-year-old child gradually learns and becomes proficient through continuous input. However, this method is relatively inefficient and has the following problems:

  1. Interesting content usually covers a wide range. By "wide range," I mean it is difficult to find an interesting novel specifically written with vocabulary for IELTS, CET-4, or postgraduate entrance exams.
  2. Vertical content is usually dull. If you are taking the IELTS exam, reading all the IELTS reading materials multiple times would definitely be a precise review of IELTS vocabulary. But I won't mention how boring it is. Anyone who has gone through the preparation process knows it firsthand.
  3. Content cannot be customized according to individual needs. Even if I can persistently practice IELTS reading questions over and over again, the content will always be the same, regardless of my level of mastery.

After being tormented by these problems for a long time, one day, while using ChatGPT, I had a sudden inspiration. As a result, I developed Linggua Vocabulary, which abandons the traditional mechanical memorization method and integrates words into reading materials, providing a completely different vocabulary learning experience. Specifically, it has the following features:

  1. Integrates words into interesting serialized stories. You can read stories like reading novels, and the vocabulary you need to memorize will repeatedly appear, continuously stimulating your brain.
  2. Choose your own vocabulary book, allowing you to focus on the words you need to memorize the most, achieving efficient reading and vocabulary retention.
  3. The content of the serialized stories is related to your memory. Words that you have a fuzzy memory of will continue to appear until you master them.
  4. Real context. The words you need to memorize will appear in various authentic contexts in different forms. After reading a few chapters of the story, you may even remember many sentences from the articles. In your speaking and writing, you will naturally use the words you have learned.
  5. Kill two birds with one stone. The app has more than a dozen high-quality AI voice engines, and each article can generate realistic audio. You can choose American, British, or even Indian accents. Listening to the audio while reading can provide a more comprehensive brain stimulation. So, not only do you memorize words, but you also practice listening, learn various sentence patterns, and grammar structures.
  6. Lastly, and most importantly, the memory is more solid. After using it myself, I found that many words that I used to find unfamiliar and difficult to remember became deeply impressed in my memory after using this method. I even unconsciously remembered many sentences.

Currently, I receive a lot of feedback and suggestions from users every day, and they all think that Linggua Vocabulary is effective. So, I am also happy to be able to help many English learners.

If you are looking for a suitable English learning tool, you might as well give it a try.

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