Mekal Z

Mekal Z

A programmer running out of the wall.

Tribes and Alliances of Love - 4. The Awakening of Superpowers

Story Serialization #Linggua Backword Story, read the story and learn English vocabulary with me. This story is generated based on the "Wang Dongmei IELTS Vocabulary Memorization" word book (a total of 2049 IELTS core vocabulary words), each story has about 10 new words + review of previously memorized words.


After the telepathy experiment, Foo and Jolin discovered they had gained superpowers. Foo had the ability to control fire, while Jolin could become invisible. At first, they were self-conscious about their powers and kept them selective. But as they experimented with their abilities, they found they could use them to help others. Foo became a firefighter, using his power to control fires and prevent arson. Jolin used her power to become a selective corpus, gathering information to help prospective clients. Their motto became 'with great power comes great responsibility'. They were trailblazers in the professionalization of superpowers.


在心灵感应实验后,Foo 和 Jolin 发现他们获得了超能力。Foo 能够控制火,而 Jolin 则能够隐形。起初,他们对自己的能力感到不自在,并选择性地隐藏自己的能力。但是,随着他们对能力的探索,他们发现自己可以利用这些能力来帮助他人。Foo 成为了一名消防员,利用他的能力控制火灾并防止纵火。Jolin 利用她的能力成为一个有选择性的语料库,收集信息以帮助潜在客户。他们的座右铭是 “伴随着伟大的力量而来的是伟大的责任”。他们是超能力职业化的先锋者。

Analysis of New Words or Phrases#

  1. telepathy experiment: 心灵感应实验
  2. superpowers: 超级能力
  3. self-conscious: 自我意识
  4. selective: 有选择性的
  5. firefighter: 消防员
  6. prevent arson: 预防纵火
  7. selective corpus: 选择性数据库
  8. prospective clients: 未来的客户
  9. trailblazers: 先锋者
  10. professionalization: 专业化

Analysis of Complex Sentences#

  1. At first, they were self-conscious about their powers and kept them selective.
    In this sentence, "they were self-conscious" and "kept them selective" are parallel verb phrases used to describe the state of Foo and Jolin. These two verb phrases are connected by the coordinating conjunction "and", meaning "and".
  2. But as they experimented with their abilities, they found they could use them to help others.
    In this sentence, "as" introduces a time adverbial clause, indicating the reason why Foo and Jolin found they could use their superpowers to help others. The main verb of the sentence is "found", meaning "discovered".
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